Dear sir or madam, Before
all we'd like to say thanks
for your interest in visiting our Website. We
wouldn't like to take unfair advantage of your patience but let us present a
short introduction of the Society of the Blind and Weak-sighted of Baranya, its
tasks, aims, and possibilities. Our
society has been in existence since 20 October, 2005 as an independent civil
organization, having taken over the duties of the Local Organization of the Hungarian
Association of the Blind and Weak-sighted. At present, our membership numbers
about 700. The
society is controlled by a five-member committee, including the chairman and
vice-chairman as members. Among other things, it is our task to represent and
stand up for the interests of the visually handicapped living in the county,
also to promote them in adult education, help them find employment, to solve
social problems, furthermore, cultural and free-time activities are organized.
The bulk of our operational costs, the overheads, is provided through support
from the state budget, which is
supplemented by our own income, which include donations from different business
establishments. Unfortunately, financial resources at our disposal are pretty
tight, which, in many cases, hinders us in realizing our goals. Should
you have further interest in our activities, please study our Website more
thoroughly, and if you consider our work worth supporting, we'll be only too
glad to accept and thank you for a donation that could be remitted to our
account at Szigetvári Takarékszövetkezet, account No. 50800111-11153542 It
is, of course, also possible for you to donate a sum of money for a purpose
defined by yourself, in which case an item by item account will be provided of
the use. Yours very sincerely The Committee of the Society
Oktatás Apró Primlista Segítség Link-ajánló Készítik: Az egyesület tagjai Ajánlott felbontás: 1024x768 Frissítve: novemberr 24. Web S-Szoft Kft Kónya Zoltán |